Welcome to the Rebel Squadrons Planet Database! A
listing of every system that the Rebel Squadrons controls can
be found here. Currently, the Rebel Squadrons has complete
control over ten systems, spanning over two sectors of the
Outer Rim. Our main prescence can be found in the Greeop
Sector, where our headquarters and other major bases of operations
are located. With the arrival of the Cadrel Expanse Conflict
and numerous Imperial threats, the Rebel Squadrons liberated and now protects a number of
these systems. Victorious, the fleets of the Rebel Squadrons added eight new systems and many more planets to an
already growing sphere of influence. Currently, the newly
aquired systems of the Cadrel Expanse are in the process of
becoming colonized. By occupying all of these systems and
their respective planets, the RS has gained a valuable source of
resources for its operations in order to further the cause of
the New
Republic and hold a vigilant watch over its domain.