INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE PLANET FILES: These files are modified versions of the VGA.PAC files. The three different files will convert any mission with the Death Star surface in it into a mission on the surface of a planet. You have three planets to choose from: DESERT.PAC ICE.PAC FOREST.PAC VGA.ORI is a backup copy of the original VGA.PAC file, to be used when returning to normal. To use the enclosed files, simply copy them into the \xwing subdirectory. Then copy the desired planet over VGA.PAC with DOS commands like this for example: COPY DESERT.PAC VGA.PAC for example will convert the Death Star surface into a desert world and give you a nice blue sky overhead. To return to normal, simply use the DOS command: COPY VGA.ORI VGA.PAC and all is normal again. Enjoy! Gregory M. "Sturmer" Smith 936 Spear St. California PA 15419 Gnjf20A on Prodigy (412) 938-0957