XW-TOD version 1.1 12/10/96 Corrected problem with loading TOD title description if original MISSIONS.LFD file is from the disk version of XWING and no add-on modules are installed (no IP or BW). Owners with this version of XWING will not be able to edit the TOD description text, the text that appears below the 'Robot Desk' when you start a new TOD. My thanks to Marcus Taylor, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, for pointing out this problem. XW-TOD version 1.0 11/21/95 This is the final release of XW-TOD. Thanks to all that responded with sugestions and improvements to the program. How to install the programs: 1.) Make a directory, such as \XWUTL, on your hard drive. 2.) Copy the XW*.* files to this directory. 3.) Copy the *.DLL and *.VBX files to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you already have copies of COMMDLG.DLL, CMDIALOG.VBX, CTL3DV2.DLL, and THREED.VBX in your Windows directory, then you do not need to copy these files. 4.) Make sure you have a copy of VBRUN300.DLL in your Windows area (this .DLL is not suplied with this program, but is available free from various on-line services.) 5.) Add XW-TOD.EXE and XW-TOT.EXE to a Program Group. Double click on the icons to start the programs. Changes from the beta: Added description of why the program was created. (I did it because it was fun!) Corrected problem with the text edit boxes to allow use of Windows edit key functions (control-x, c, and v). Corrected documentation for Cut, Copy, and Paste menu functions. Added module (XW-TOT.EXE) to permit changing the 'scrolling' text for the introductory screen when you first enter a new Tour of Duty. Enjoy, Robert S. Delinsky [70651,3316]