Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OP 1: Dodging laserfire 1

  • Welcome to TOPGUN So you think you're the best, eh? Have you come out of TOPGUN in one piece? What d'you mean, never heard of it? Look, completion of X-Wing was simply filling in you application form for TOPGUN. This is where the fun REALLY begins. If you haven't completed X-Wing yet then please leave, you are not qualified! TOPGUN is a series of operations that will test all areas of flying ablility, these will become apparent later on. This mission is a dogding laserfire class (top). In an Y-Wing you must identify Tugs in a minefield, you have no shields. You will need to get to 0.01Km to identify them Read the messages apon mission completion. These may become essential.

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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