ITOD: OP 1: Rescue From Star's End
- [Mytus VII], also known as[ Star's End], is[ ]one of the most dreaded prison worlds in the galaxy.
After a daring escape, two of our pilots hid aboard a [Freighter ]headed for [Kashyyyk]. The Empire has just begun to board and search all spacecraft in the surrounding systems.
You must enable a rescue team to hyperspace in and take the [Freighter] to safety.
You'll have[ ]about [2 minutes ]to destroy the[ Transport ]docked with the Freighter before its [Stormtroopers] can board and discover the escaped pilots. If you fail, the pilots will be captured and returned back to Star's End.
Secure the area for our[ Shuttle] to jump in and dock with the [Freighter]. The Alliance crew will capture it and hyperspace to safety.
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Tour 2: Great Search, The
Due Date: 30 Nov -0001
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