Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OP 20: Defend the Ram's Head

  • Congratulations on the capture of the Corvette [Blade 5]. This specially modified ship is the key element in Operation "[Ram's Head]." The plan was first proposed after the loss of the Freighter [Sarsuma ]during[ ]Operation "[Grain Snatch]." Analysis of the flight data suggested that perhaps a Freighter or other vessel could somehow be used to decapitate a Star Destroyer by ramming its bridge. The new shield technology used on [Blade 5] promises to make this idea feasible. The captured Corvette has been renamed "[Ram's Head]" in honor of the operation it is to be used in. Operation "[Ram's Head]" will strike an Imperial Deep Dock where several Star Destroyers are being repaired. The Interdictor Cruisers that normally protect the dock have been lured away by an Alliance trick. Our finest technicians are waiting aboard the Corvette [Libra]. They have special equipment to complete the final preparations on the [Ram's Head]. When the [Ram's Head] arrives they will transfer to it. This will take about [ten] minutes. [Red] Squadron will send two X-wings to the rendezvous point to protect this transfer. You must ensure that the [Ram's Head] makes it to safety. Before you go on this mission the entire [Alliance High Command] would like to take this opportunity to congratulate [Red] Squadron for your terrific successes so far. Special thanks are due [Red One]. Without your skills and dedication the Rebellion could not continue! Good luck, and may the force be with you.
ITOD Home > Tour 4: Imperial Pursuit

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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