Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: Rescue at Mon Calamari

  • This mission recreates an incredible rescue operation with you in the role of one of our most daring X-wing pilots, [Halley Kadorto]. Rebel Intelligence had gathered information of a secret rendezvous location where the Empire would be transferring Mon Calamari slaves and various war materiel to an arriving Star Destroyer. A combined force of X-wings, Y-wings and Freighters was assembled for the mission. [Red Squadron's] X-wings would first engage the TIE Fighter escorts, as [Gold Squadron's] Y-wings hypered in behind them to disable the Freighters. Halley identified which craft were carrying slaves and the Rebel Freighters were brought in to receive the liberated Calamarians. The entire operation was planned to be safely concluded before the [Star Destroyer Warrior] could arrive. Unfortunately the [Warrior] arrived early and immediately launched an attack of its own. It was soon realized that the Imperials were attacking their own slave ships! Typical for the Empire, they would rather massacre thousands of innocent beings than let them fall into the hands of the enemy! One pilot, [Halley Kadorto, ]thwarted the ruthless assault by taking on wave after wave of TIE fighters. For bravely saving so many lives Halley Kadorto received the [Kalidor Crescent]! Can you do as well? Eliminate the escorts first and try to locate the [Calamarians] as quickly as possible. You will have to fly your X-wing within [0.02] kilometers of each ship whose contents you want to identify. Protect the Freighters while the transfer takes place then destroy the remaining Imperial war materiel before leaving.
ITOD Home > Historical Missions: X-wing

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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