Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: HM 5: Attack Death Star Surface

  • What if the B-wing had been available at the Battle of Yavin? The Death Star surface is covered with [Turbolaser Towers]. These batteries provide defense against small spacecraft such as starfighters. The Death Star also carries a large contingent of [TIE Fighters] and [Bombers]. Both of these forces must be countered before we can launch our assault on the [Death Star's Trench]. Your mission is to rendezvous at the Nav Buoy and destroy all the Turbolaser Towers within a [two] kilometers radius. You must also destroy the four[ Hangar Port exits] that are camouflaged as simple supply containers. From here, TIE squadrons exit the interior of the Death Star. Good Luck! May the Force be with you!
ITOD Home > Historical Missions: B-wing

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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