Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OPLAN112: Regroup

  • [Captain of the Iroquois:] This is a desperate situation. We here have survived, but the fate of the Odin is more uncertain. Several escape pods and fleeing pilots have arrived already- the stories are inconsistent. One thing IS certain: we smashed all the Black Wing capital ships. [The pilots cheer]. [Captain of the Iroquois:] But the state we will find the Odin in... we don't know. Furthermore, neither LCM Nalpak nor Commander Shay have made it back here as yet. Our direction is clear- I'm taking this ship back to the battle zone, to pick up survivors... and perhaps to pick up some wreckage. And to wreak vengeance on any Imperials we find! [The pilots cheer again] [A comlink beeps] [Captain Nefo T'Chir:] Yes... I see. [Captain Nefo T'Chir:] We've got some more survivors coming in. They'll arrive in a couple of minutes. [Captain of the Iroquois:] Then we have no time to lose. Get out there, make sure the survivors get in safely, then follow us to the battle zone! [All:] [MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US!] Note: After completing this mission, please remember to fly OpLan112b.
ITOD Home > Operation Lanvarok Tour 1

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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