Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OP 5: Investigate Hyperspace Route

  • In the last operation [Rogue Squadron] was supposed to relieve X-wing Squadron [Red] of duty, yet failed to arrive in time. Fortunately both Freighters managed to dock with the Frigate [Basi II] and deliver their cargo. However, [Rogue Squadron] arrived in pretty bad shape. Apparently they were ambushed by Imperial forces after mysteriously being pulled out of hyperspace. You will join three other X-wings from [Red Squadron] in clearing the hyperspace junction near [ObedaYuri]. See to it that all Imperial [Fighters] and [Corvettes] that arrive are destroyed. Do [NOT] attack [ANY] Neutral ships that arrive, our goal is to rid this junction of Imperial occupation. Good Luck, and may the Force be with you!
ITOD Home > Chasekk Campaign

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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