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With the disbanding of the Academy fleet in 2003, the method of joining a unit is now different for every unit. These steps will start you on the process of joining a unit.
- Determine which unit plays the game that you are interested in.
- Go to the roster for that unit.
- Obtain the email addresses of the Commanding Officer and Training Officer - use your judgment about subordinate officers if their superiors are LOA or AWOL.
- Email those two officers, state your intention to join their unit, and list any past experience with the unit that you have had. Include a squadron preference if you have one.
- They will evaluate your status and determine what you need to do next, including the squadron in which you would be best placed.
- If you've been in the unit before, and know exactly which squadron and/or slot you want to be placed in, you can usually just email the squadron's Commanding Officer, cc'ing the Fleet Commanding Officer, and you will be put in the squadron.