Rebel Squadrons

Alliance Heroes Attacked on Bimmisaari

By Kaz Falcion
Date: 44:4:21
Type: Galactic News
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Bimmisaari --- We have received word from Coruscant that a diplomatic envoy recently sent into the Mid Rim's Halla Sector had a harrowing escape from danger. The high profile mission consisting of Senator Organa Solo, Captain Solo and Jedi Skywalker had been sent in an attempt to open new diplomatic channels between the New Republic Senate and the planet Bimmisaari's ruling council of Law Elders. As the Bimms are well regarded for their love of heroic lore, it was hoped that an envoy of former heroes of the Rebellion might be a great aid in convincing the Law Elders to seek membership for their lucrative tradeworld within the New Republic.

Following a celebratory opening ceremony, the talks were postponed due to a serious and sudden illness suffered by the Bimm's chief negotiator. While a search for a replacement commenced, the New Republic envoy was offered a guided cultural tour of the city and its main marketplace.

We have learned that it was during this tour that the New Republic delegates were ambushed by between fifteen and twenty armed alien assailants. Following a brief struggle and chase, it appears that Jedi Skywalker was able to successfully hold off the attackers until help arrived in the form of the Millennium Falcon. We are pleased to report that all members of the envoy were unharmed, and have since made their way back to Coruscant.

The Law Elders Council of Bimmisaari quickly issued a statement expressing their shock and outrage that such an attack could be carried out on their soil, and have further expressed their sincerest apologies to the New Republic and a willingness to resume the postponed negotiations in the future. In return, a statement issued from Coruscant has made it clear that any future negotiations will be conducted with the backing of a full military escort, a move that some analysts see as potentially hampering the future of the mission, given the pacifist nature of the Bimmisaari people.

At press time, details regarding the identities of the attackers are sketchy at best, but sources have led us to uncover the following:

The assailants were grey-skinned humanoids standing roughly 1.5 metres in height, with prominent skull ridges and protruding lower jaws. We have also learned that they were armed solely with stokhli spray-sticks, a non-lethal weapon most commonly used for subduing and capture. Whether these assailants' motives were to capture one or all of the members of the envoy remains unclear, but elements within the Senate have not ruled out that this may in fact have been a detailed and premeditated attempt to kidnap high-ranking members of the New Republic government.