Rebel Squadrons

Subterrel Force to Strike Back

By Petr Margul
Date: 44:3:13
Type: Local News
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Blerthmore --- Fleet Commander Dave Trebonious-Astoris officially announced today the formation and deployment of the Subterrel Strike Force.

The Strike Force, led by General Michael Raven aboard the Star Destroyer Redemption, is tasked with tracking down and bringing to justice the Imperial forces that cowardly and without warning attacked Blerthmore, murdering more than forty-one thousand of our comrades-in-arms. The strike force, as its name indicates, is bound for the remote Subterrel Sector, where the Imperial attack is believed to have originated.

Over the past month, rumours have emerged regarding the necessary reprisal campaign, however great pains seem to have been taken to retain levels of secrecy until the force was ready for launch, lest Imperial forces intercept such information. However that is evidently not considered as much of a threat now, as the strike force is fully stocked and supplied, and poised to embark on the mission of dispensing justice against the enemy abroad.

The strike force consists of seventeen warships from all areas of the Rebel Squadrons task force, notably including the Star Destroyer Redemption, the Calamari Cruiser Ad Astra, and the Victory Star Destroyer Resurrection II. In addition, the starfighter forces of the Intrepid and Renegade Groups, devastated during the Battle of Blerthmore, have been reconstituted as the Vigilance Starfighter Group, which will act as the Subterrel Strike Force's starfighter complement.

In a surprising move, Fleet Commander Trebonious-Astoris announced that he will remain in the Greeop Sector during the Subterrel Strike Force's expeditionary campaign, commanding the newly formed Greeop Defence Force. This force reportedly consists of four warships, led by the Victory Star Destroyer Peril. The GDF is tasked with the protection and maintenance of security in the Greeop Sector and surrounding territories.

While not officially confirmed, several officers who wish to remain unnamed have expressed their concerns that the GDF is extremely low on equipment, supplies and materiƩl, due to the priority given to the Subterrel Strike Force's deployment. If true, this will compound the challenges of the defensive force, making it that much more difficult to guard and protect local areas.

While it is believed that New Republic High Command will be dispatching relief, this has not been confirmed by any official sources. It is hoped that all able-bodied personnel will do their best to assist Admiral Trebonious-Astoris in re-establishing the Greeop Sector's defence, as the commander attempts to maintain order in the Rebel Squadrons's sectors of command with a fraction of the normal RS fleet.