Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Kaz Falcion
Medal: Kessel Cup

Date: July 22, 2006
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Licah Fox
Reason for nomination: There is a member of the Rebel Squadrons who, through good or bad, can perpetually be found in the Bar and Grill dispensing advice, witticisms, sharp remarks, and various types of rants. He has also taken over the chief responsibility of reprimanding all those who would seek to do less-than-intelligent things. You may be impressed to know that this person has said over 200,000 lines of text in the B&G during his RS career. He has also done a variety of RS work, ranging from the RF website to FC candidacy posters, that injects spice into our club. For his spice, and avoiding having the brain worms, I hereby award Admiral Kaz Falcion the Kessel Cup - ||U|| - for unusual service to the Rebel Squadrons!
Comments by awarding officer: See the 21 July 2006 State of the Rebel Squadrons. Congratulations, everyone! ":)

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