Rebel Squadrons
Person: MGN Kimiao Quinal
Medal: Kessel Cup

Date: October 4, 2015
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Reason for nomination: Major General Kimiao Quinal has served the RS amazingly well during Operation Titan's Dawn, building off of work founded in previous operations.

Under his leadership, the Minecraft server has had 12 officers participate during this operation, and he has been guiding activities nicely. He has spent substantial time this year building various ITOD objectives.

Much more impressively, Kimi has led the RS World of Tanks clan, [REPUB], to a #60 ranking in North America. He invests multiple hours per day and this clan is well-respected across the entire server. It is safe to say that the RS Tanks clan currently is the leading light of the RS in multiplayer gaming. Kimi has built this up over several months, and recently taken on the role of serving as Task Force Leader for Tanks also. I am pleased to nominate him for this rare award.
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