Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Kaz Falcion
Medal: Tatooine Suns

Date: January 18, 2009
Nominated by: FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Awarded by: FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Reason for nomination: This medal is "awarded to members who have displayed consistent loyalty and dedication over years of service. Recipients of this award have shown exceptional and innovative service in their position and their service has changed the RS. The medal may only be awarded to a member once, and may only be nominated and awarded by the Executive Officer or the Fleet Commander."

Kaz certainly shows all of these qualities -- he's one of the RS's longest standing members, and from his work in the old RSCD, which was certainly exceptional, his track record of kicking so much ass in the Outer Rim Wars that certain clubs who shall remain nameless, but are still total wusses, refused to play the Jedi Knight games if Kaz would be playing, to his recent work in Zealot and as FC -- Kaz's service has changed the RS for the better, most definitely.
Comments by awarding officer:

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