Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Michael Raven
Medal: Excellency of Service

Date: July 30, 2007
Nominated by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Awarded by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Reason for nomination: Rear Admiral Michael Raven is the RS jack of all trades. If you take a look at his roster profile, you will see that he holds a bewildering array of positions. In addition to being my right hand as RSXO the past 9 months, he has continued to lead the ABG to what is essentially unprecedented levels of activity. At the same time he's writing for Zealot, writing the regular RS-wide storyline narratives, making himself the best EaW player in existence, and cracking jokes in the B&G. This is a long laundry list by any standard. I think it's fair to say that Raven has exceeded simply going above and beyond the call of duty. He has made the kind of impression on the RS that will last for years. Raven, thank you for everything you have done and everything you will continue to do. It is my pleasure to present Raven with the Excellency of Service. This is the highest commendation medal the RS can award and is only given on extremely rare circumstances (less than once a year). Thank you Raven, congratulations, and good luck! ":)
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: January 25, 2016
Nominated by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Awarded by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Reason for nomination: FA Michael Raven, attention!

This managed to slip through the last SotRS, for that I apologize. *Ahem.*

Raven, more than any other officer in the RS, you have not only consistently and admirably completed your assigned tasks but have often gone above and beyond, taking on more responsibilities than several other officers combined. In just the short time since *I* have been Fleet Commander, you have:

Fielded four arbitration cases in a timely and extremely thorough manner.

Single-handedly developed and implemented the new RS Fictional Narrative as Logistics Officer, providing all of us a solid background in which to frame the RS's role in the Star Wars universe.

Completely resuscitated the RPG division with the new Sentinel storyline, consistently moderating game sessions despite often being unable to play himself. Repeatedly deals with high-tension situations and diffuses them. Constantly strives to improve the RPG ruleset and accommodate the desires of the players. Maintaining a fair and equitable space for all players to participate, no matter how unpopular the player.

Assisted with the management and development of multiple platforms in platforms, including Minecraft, World of Tanks, and Commander.

Consistently participated in the majority of the activities the RS has to offer.

And last but not least, through all interactions in his duties, remained a professional or downright pleasant demeanor.

While this is highest level overview of what you have done just since I have been FC, your continued dedication to the RS over the years is phenomenal.

For my tenure thus far, your support, effort, advice, and friendship has been incredible. I could not do this job if it was not for everything you have done, I think I would have already gone insane without being able to vent to you, and I sincerely believe the RS would not be as well off as it is today if it didn't have you in it. Sometimes I think you don't quite understand how appreciative I am to have you on the staff, owing slightly to my inability to find proper ways commemorate your work, but I hope this helps.

FA Michael Raven, the last time you received this award was in 2007. For nearly nine years of continued dedication to the Rebel Squadrons, I hereby award you the Excellency of Service.


ADM Cyrel Vandroth
Rebel Squadrons Fleet Commander
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: June 5, 2016
Nominated by: LGN Rhuryc
Awarded by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Reason for nomination: It's Mike. Twelve years of service as the HGM of the ABG, hands down the BEST GM I have ever personally had, amazing creativity, mechanics, and drive to inspire us all to have fun and take as away from reality every Sunday for the last decade. I can't award enough medals to this man for the sheer amount of time he puts into all of us.
Comments by awarding officer: Raven,

You have maintained the position of High Game Master, what others might more easily recognize as the Simming Task Force Leader, for well over a decade. During that time, through thick and thin, you have provided an unbiased, equitable, and fair guidance of the RPG division. Having briefly held the position myself, I know all to well the difficulties that position entails, but others may not.

Moreso than any other activity the Rebel Squadrons has to offer, participants in the simming division are constantly interacting with one another. Through roleplaying and out of character conversations, members of the ABG (Allegiance Battle Group, old name for the division) are in nearly constant communication with one another, dwarfing the socialization that takes place in the bar and grill. By and large, this has enabled a higher level of camaraderie among its members than can be found in other divisions.

However, constant social interaction among gamers has historically had a few pitfalls. Mmebers become hypersensitive to personality quirks, occasional clique behaviors develop, and disagreements between the motivations of two characters in the game can too often transfer into hostility between the actual RS members controlling them. Particularly if said disagreements could potentially result in the injury or loss of the RS member's character, a fictional entity they may have had ties to for years.

Throughout his tenure, Michael Raven has managed not only the rules system (of which the majority he personally re-wrote) but the social interactions and interpersonal flair-ups between the ABG's membership with promptness and integrity. I have often personally marveled at his ability to remain impartial and offer multiple chances to individuals whom I would have banned from the beginning.

Ontop of all of this, Raven has consistently provided exemplary simming experiences by being a fantastic Game Master. He provides detailed storylines sometimes spanning details distributed throughout his sims over the span of years. He engages the division, allowing them to feel like they are making a meaningful impact on the course of events occurring in the RS' storyline. Last, but not least, Raven's sims are always a blast to participate in (or even just watch!).

Raven, as you step down from the position of HGM to take a break and allow another the chance to suffer the burden of that position, I hope this goes some distance towards conveying our thanks. Thank you for your years of service as HGM, for providing several of the RS a home in the club, and creating the best RPG I have ever enjoyed.

I hereby accept the recommendation of the new HGM, Rhuryc, to award Michael Raven with the Excellency of Service for his tenure has HGM. Congratulations.

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