Rebel Squadrons
Person: MGN Jairo Pantoja
Medal: PBF Medal of Excellence

Date: January 1, 2009
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: General Pantoja - you have flown more PBF missions than anyone else in the entire history of the Rebel Squadrons except our PBF CO, Tyrell "Spokes" Borran. You have been an active pilot since May of 1999, and you have led a prominent PBF squadron for multiple years. Aside from all this, you have been a model for us all of respect and good nature, which I think anyone who knows you will attest to. In recognition of this dedication and service to the PBF, I am hereby nominating you for the PBF Medal of Excellence ([<|=(MoE)=|>]) , the PBF's highest honor for its pilots, bestowing Honorary status.
Comments by awarding officer: Jairo,

It is an honor to be the one to award the PBF's Highest Award to a friend that I have flown with for almost eight years. Your consistency and high level of performance have always impressed me. Wear it with pride as you join the ranks of the very few whose contribution to the PBF merits honorary membership.

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