Rebel Squadrons
Person: 2LT Jack Jatir
Medal: CD Ribbon: Master-Sniper

Date: July 6, 2008
Nominated by: CPT James StarGazer
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: 2nd Lieutenant Jack Jatir

A guy who is fresh out of the rs commando division academy you came into the platoon eager to have some fun with the mod map while your over all finish for the mod map was 5th which is not bad you killed the hell out of those impies on the map overall your kills report was 555 that is greater then Spokes's to give you some idea.

You have truely earned this CD Ribbon : Master Sniper.
Comments by awarding officer: Congratulations Commandos! Well fought and well-earned awards.

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