Rebel Squadrons
Person: CMDR Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance
Medal: Alvace Star

Date: October 2, 2014
Nominated by: RA Lamin Zykara
Awarded by: RA Lamin Zykara
Reason for nomination: As long as he's already standing, can I have Captain Jaran "Gunsmoke" Farlance, front and center? Jaran, Colonel Veld brought to my attention that you went out of your way to edit our Wiki to provide people with good information on how to run some of our older legacy games on modern operating systems. That kind of initiative is deserving of recognition, and so I am very pleased to present you with the Alvace Star. Congratulations!
Comments by awarding officer: Well done, Jaran! I'm proud to see all that you've accomplished since joining, and look forward to more successes in your future.

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