Rebel Squadrons
Person: BGN Gavin Starseeker
Medal: Burdine Cluster

Date: January 27, 2007
Nominated by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Awarded by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Reason for nomination: Captain Gavin Starseeker has been instrumental in helping me with several projects of mine. Seeks has made dozens of images for me, including the banner graphic on the ORW3 website and many medals for our medals database. In addition to this, he has crafted a very fine history of the PBF for the Historical Office. Seeks, for your willingness to help out wherever needed and your dedicated service, I am happy to award you with the Burdine Cluster. Congratulations! ":)
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: September 30, 2007
Nominated by: COM David Vaughan
Awarded by: FA Michael Raven
Reason for nomination: Nominated for their extensive efforts in the Logistics Office. These fine officers spent about five or six months of their commission working on extensive projects for the Logistics Office, specifically the craft verification project, which involved the investigation of ALL historical PBF and R2F/W missions (Seeks and Mathow, respectively), making corrections to my original craft database notes. Their efforts are truly worthwhile of recognition, and I believe this token of appreciation a belated but well deserved one. ":) Lt. Gen. David Vaughan
Comments by awarding officer: Thank you for your service to the RS!

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