Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Lucas Benoit-Stark
Medal: AF Above and Beyond Award

Date: July 16, 2008
Nominated by: FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: Because I can't find a regular RS award that fits, and because I might as well bastardize a medal that probably was once really important in the AF but means absolutely nothing now, I award you this medal because:

"Given the choice between sleeping in the bed all half-ass naked with your girl and/or engaging in sexual activity, you chose to get up, get out of bed, and vote on an High Command Matter that required your attention."

Knock the AF off that medal man, cause you truly went above and beyond the call of duty.
Comments by awarding officer: Being one of the few members on the AF Roster that is not marked as "Reserve," I am probably the most qualified one to award this medal.

Although, I do feel compelled to question the choice of "lay in bed with my girl and fool around a bit" or "go vote in HC." This does show a level of commitment rarely seen anywhere, so, it is an honor to bestow this medal.


Now, go crawl back in bed.......

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