Rebel Squadrons
Person: COM Leonard Cable
Medal: Golden Eyes

Date: January 8, 2005
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: VA Patrick Blastfire
Reason for nomination: From the RgF Tour 3 Awards Ceremony:

"We have two more medals to award. The first goes to our leader in combat, a talented pilot who led his squadron to achieve more than any other, yet simultaneously was the chief strategist and orchestrator of the entire Tour. While many of the decisions were made by myself and my predecessor, this person had the strategic vision that led us to victory. Appropriately, tt is my pleasure to award Major General Leonard Cable the Golden Eyes! - oo -"
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: November 22, 2006
Nominated by: ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
Awarded by: MGN Rekio Corsair
Reason for nomination: There is one member of our ranks who I owe a fair amount to in way of thanks and gratitude. The medal I shall be awarding him will not come anywhere near the thanks owed, but it will at least lay down the base. Commadore Cable has been building our missions for the past two tours, and he had even decided for a while at the beginning of the year (around the time I came into the CO chair) that he would be quitting making missions. However, after some poking and prodding, and a little bit of begging, he agreed to stay with us to finish the tour, and it appears that he will even be continuing to stay with us building for the VSG tour as well. For this I award Cable the Golden Eyes.

RgF Tour 4.
Thanks for the fun missions, Cable!
Comments by awarding officer: Congrats on the successful completion of RgF Tour 4.

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