Rebel Squadrons
Person: COM Leonard Cable
Medal: Distinguished Service Cross

Date: August 20, 2006
Nominated by: FA Michael Raven
Awarded by: FA Licah Fox
Reason for nomination: From the ABG Newsletter:

General Leonard Cable, I have known you for many years now; back in old AOL chat rooms where we used to run around bashing each other’s heads in with starships. I have known you through the RS as a competent leader, and am proud to say that I served under you. Whenever I got frustrated with things; you were standing there to give a bit of advice, or guide me in the right direction. Through your guidance and intervention; we were able to push past the problems that we had within our group and achieve the position we've been longing for so long. Cable, you are an example to the whole of the Rebel Squadrons of what an officer should be; and as your friend, I thank you. As the commander that has witnessed all of this... I hereby nominate you for the for the Distinguished Service Cross |_/= ?=_|; thank you.
Comments by awarding officer: Well earned! Congratulations! ":)

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