Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

Empire at War

Hammerfall (EaW)
Sons of Lithra - EaW/LPCD

By MGN CrazyCarl

Player Craft: Space

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▼ Briefing

<ul><li> Briefing: In an effort to further disrupt Imperial communications in the Lithra system we’re sending a small commando team down to the surface in an attempt to destroy one of the ground-to-space communication uplinks. Lead your team of commandos to fight your way over to and take out that uplink.
<li> Objectives: Play the Lithra Empire at War skirmish (recommend normal difficulty)
<li> Point Distribution: 1 point for playing, 1 point for victory, 1 point for narrative
<li> Mission Reporter Link: Go to the Hammerfall - Sons of Lithra ITOD page for Empire at War, download the mission, play it, and report at that page with a screenshot (and narrative). </ul>


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. MGN Mat Bizegar 779 0 Victory Normal February 17, 2016 Official Tour Score
2. LCL Jay Forerunner 757 0 Victory Normal January 27, 2016 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Ground operation, with the reporter showing only space units.
3. LCM Ralis Solin 751 0 Victory Normal February 9, 2016 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Not sure how to know or report my score... only see space units for reporting kills... o.O
4. LGN Eric Skrevski 744 0 Victory Normal February 14, 2016 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: For Lithra!
5. COL Teu Veld 537 0 Victory Normal February 6, 2016 Official Tour Score

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