Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

TIE Fighter

PSG Tour A1 (TIE)
PSG Ta115.1: Back to Practice (GreyTIE Sim I)

By ADM Castor Efrata-Landis

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 52,054 14 Victory Hard January 28, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Quick and simple. Watch the in-flight messages for your orders and you'll do fine.
2. GEN Damon Lightwind 49,547 10 Victory Hard February 4, 2012 Official Tour Score
3. CMDR Mia StormChaser 36,113 9 Victory Medium January 29, 2012 Official Tour Score
4. LCL jelf boom 25,092 10 Victory Easy December 30, 2011 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 8

7 by GEN Damon Lightwind on February 4, 2012
Not bad good to help keep the rust off now if I can only keep the distractions a bay!
9 by BGN Hermus Dogan on January 28, 2012
Another fun run without shields. It's missions like these that make me realize just how much I value shielding! Outmaneuvering the enemy is all too easy with an Interceptor, though.

Didn't see any problems; everything went off without a hitch.