Rebel Squadrons

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RSXW1 Back at em
RS XA OP 7 - Interupt the Holonet

▼ Briefing

Admiral Ackbar has concluded it is not enough to destroy Imperial convoys.  He has decided that we need to cut the entire Fleet off from the Core Worlds by destroying the Imperial HoloNet.
  The HoloNet was commissioned during the times of the Old Republic to provide free flowing communications between the member worlds.  Under the Emperor the HoloNet has been subverted for military use.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 29,324 24 Victory October 27, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Wiped out the sats/mines and waited for the inevitable Imperial reinforcements. Picked off the fighters and put a nice dent in the FRG before it managed to escape.

The distant encounter near the end was a nice touch.
2. GEN Damon Lightwind 14,354 2 Victory October 27, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Got the MC then ran into two bombers back to back not their missiles but the bombers themselves. Didn't notice them come in but at least I got the MC.
3. LCL jelf boom 0 0 Loss October 27, 2013 Official Tour Score

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