Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database


RSXW1 Back at em
RS XA OP 3 - Neutralize Corvette Base

▼ Briefing

  With the sudden departure of the ISD Illustrious the Alliance has been able to temporarily delay the commencement of Vice Admiral Boorda's new offensive.
  High Command believes we have only won a temporary reprieve and we should expect the Imperials back in greater force.  In the mean time recon has reported the location of several newly established System Patrol Bases located in the Outer Rim.
    These strategicly located bases could be used as forward offensive bases for an Imperial campaign.
  Starfighter Command will be placed in charge of seeking out and destroying all System Patrol Bases.  A-W Red will target a base located in the Kastalore system.  The base consist of three CRVs, CONs and a small squadron of TIE Fighters.
  Destroy everything, nothing must escape!


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Reported Comments
1. ADM Castor Efrata-Landis 39,574 33 Victory May 24, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Rerun - the Frigate will sit and die as long as there is one container left.
2. GEN Damon Lightwind 33,353 37 Victory May 26, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Tough to get going in the begining but once you do get rolling it's pretty good!
3. FA Licah Fox 29,510 32 Victory May 26, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Pleasantly difficult at the start.
4. BGN Ray Djo 8,971 35 Loss May 26, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I think the game was bugged for me. I couldnt see my goals. I also couldnt see people firing at me. I had to kil all of the containers myself. and we killed 1/3 of the other ships. I got all of the t/f and t/b's... but by the time they stopped comming, the only thing left was the friggate, and by then i had hit a wrong key on my keyboard and it put it in a funky view and by the time i figured out what i did i had just gotten it back and the friggate got me. whoops. also, im not sure how the scoring system works, because the game says i have 18079.
5. LCL jelf boom 1,238 16 Loss May 25, 2013 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 8

8 by BGN Ray Djo on May 26, 2013
would have been better if it wasnt glitchy.