Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 4 (XWA Mixed Tour)
XWA 412: Continuing the Evacuation (IBG 303)

By MAJ Eric Suul

Player Craft: X-wing

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The mass evacuation is underway.  Looks like the religious fanatics will have to accept the exodus of their people....won't they?

We're going to split up the freighters into seperate convoys and do a series of jumps to our destination.  You'll escort the lead convoy to a rendevous point, await to regoup before continuing.  Now that the Rolian Fanatics see they can't stop everyone from leaving, they shouldn't be a problem.  If anything comes up, cover the freighters' escape, then enter hyperspace when they are in the clear.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM lmaokai88 11,419 24 Victory Hard August 30, 2014 Official Tour Score
2. LCM Ralis Solin 6,871 6 Loss Hard August 23, 2014 Official Tour Score
3. MGN CrazyCarl 6,871 5 Loss Hard August 23, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Good mission, but not sure how to prevent civilians from getting vaped???
4. BGN Naesa Draw 0 0 Loss Medium August 31, 2014 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 3

3 by LCM lmaokai88 on August 3, 2014
After destroying the final fighter, it took the convoy 25 more minutes to make it to hyperspace. This needs to be edited. No mission should have 25 minutes of nothing happening.