Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 4 (XWA Mixed Tour)
XWA 413: Hunting the Hunters (IBG 304)

By MAJ Eric Suul

Player Craft: Z-95 Headhunter

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▼ Briefing

The Intrepid Battle Group team dispatched to Rolias has found itself hampered at every turn by a group of Rolian Fanatics determined that their race should die with their sun.  Before the refuge convoy can complete its trek, the Fanatics must be dealt with.

Draco and Nightwolf Squadron will go ahead of the convoy with our entire force of Gunships.  We expect the Rolian Fanatics to attack our main force.  When the attack comes, our convoy and fleet will flee.  At least, that's what it will look like.

The convoy and fleet will hyperspace to your coordinates, a couple dozen klicks away.  When the Rolians attempt to follow our vectors, they should end up between the convoy and you.  If they refuse to surrender when surrounded, you must eliminate their forces.  Our capital ships will protect the convoy.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. LCM lmaokai88 8,920 20 Victory Hard September 24, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: fun mission; but for some reason your wingman in slot 3 is invincible.
2. MGN CrazyCarl 6,299 6 Victory Medium September 15, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Missiles anybody? They're on the house!
3. LCM Ralis Solin 6,299 7 Victory Medium September 17, 2014 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Lots of missiles! Ahhhh!

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Average rating: 8

8 by MGN CrazyCarl on September 14, 2014
Pretty good mission, lots of good dogfighting, glad I had countermeasures on board though for sure!