Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

Hammerfall - XWA
Capture the Baphoment Relay

By MGN CrazyCarl

Player Craft: X-wing

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Though we are still reeling from greater than expected losses from our evacuation of Minos, we are now regrouped enough that High Command feels it prudent to supplement our rear guard actions with some more offensive engagements. To that end, a critical objective is recapturing the lost hyperspace relay station at Baphomet in order to secure our supply lines through Tarsonis.  The bad news is that we don't have enough capital ships to help support this operation, but the good news is that recon reports indicate that the Imps don't have much in the way of capital firepower stationed a the relay either, so an elite wing of Xwings should be able to suppress the fighter and picket defenses and recapture the relay.


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