Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

IBG Tour 6
IBG 604: Learning the Truth

By GEN Anton "Ups" Nels

Player Craft: A-wing

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All right Pilot's after this last attack Command had the Depot put under watch,After many man hours of data collection and  numerous other types of intelligence gathering the boy's at intell have made a startling discovery of why the pirate's kept attacking the Centrino depot!

Apprently the Depot was actually staging ground for the pirates ilegal activty's....they would constantly repair and help the pirates with thier plunder, i guess over time the depot supervisor's got a little greedy and decided to start benifiting off the stolen supplies and goods,
the pirates caught wiff of this and decided to retaliate aginst the depot,
what they didn't count on was the depot calling for our aid,so here we are now faced with a tough choice intell has recently told us that the depot fearfull of us possibly discovering thier most recent activitys would shut them down or worse,Because of that they have restored thier connections with the pirate's,so what we want you to do is hyper in and inspect all cargo craft at the depot along with any container's ,
also inspect any craft entering the area, hopefully we can catch the depot during a ilegal transaction of some sort.

Good luck pilot and may the force be with you.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 11,849 52 Loss Unknown August 28, 2006 Official Tour Score
2. CMDR Hermann 11,313 35 Victory Unknown August 18, 2006 Official Tour Score
3. RA Himm El-Syna 11,303 35 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
4. BGN shaolin 10,719 34 Victory Unknown August 21, 2006 Official Tour Score
5. GEN Anton "Ups" Nels 7,153 21 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
6. 1LT Jaja Darksight 5,802 31 Victory Unknown August 5, 2006 Official Tour Score
7. CPT B'illiam 5,241 22 Victory Unknown July 29, 2006 Official Tour Score
8. FA Joshua Hawkins 4,834 13 Victory Unknown July 29, 2006 Official Tour Score
9. GEN Chris Horn "Kicks" 4,121 17 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
10. BGN Galic Mars 4,049 19 Loss Unknown August 5, 2006 Official Tour Score
11. CPT Lukus Harman 3,766 16 Victory Unknown August 28, 2006 Official Tour Score
12. COL Reabel 3,444 9 Victory Unknown August 28, 2006 Official Tour Score
13. GEN Phil DarkFire 3,162 0 Loss Unknown August 28, 2006 Official Tour Score
14. LGN Jon Anchorage 3,000 6 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
15. LGN James "Nightwolf" Davidson 3,000 8 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
16. CMDR Calista "Kat" Fairbright 1,650 0 Victory Unknown July 29, 2006 Official Tour Score
17. COM David Vaughan 1,650 0 Victory Unknown August 27, 2006 Official Tour Score
18. MGN Ton Matty 0 0 Loss August 28, 2006 Official Tour Score

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