Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing Alliance

RS Tour 3 (XWA Retro Tour)
RS 310a: Destroy System Defenses (IBG 110)

By Rebel Squadrons

Player Craft: X-wing

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▼ Briefing

The first outpost we will encounter is fairly small. It consists of a Golan 2 station, several gun platforms, a starfighter carrier, and a platform used for inspecting incoming ships. X-W Rogue and B-W Red will attack this outpost with the CRS Independence supporting. X-W Rogue will engage the fighters and gun platforms while the B-Wings attack the Golan station and the inspection platform. The B-Wing squadron will attempt to overwhelm the Golan platforms shields with a mass volley of heavy rockets. With luck, the station should be destroyed quickly.

The second outpost is much larger, and is based around a pair of Golan stations, one a Golan 1, the other a newer Golan 3 model. This outpost also has several starfighter squadrons based on two carriers, and may also have automated guns surrounding the area. Additionally, an Imperial Star Destroyer is usually on station here, but after the losses the Imps sustained trying to save the Tyrannic, it is extremely unlikely that they can spare an ImpStar for this duty. This makes our task much easier. B-W Red supported by Y-W Blue will destroy the Golan platforms helped by the cruisers Mon Remonda and Liberty. X-W Rogue will again fly cover.

The final outpost has only recently been completed. Three Golan 3 platforms are situated in triangular formation around a cargo storage and docking area. We have little other information on this facility but expect many starfighters and smaller capital ships. The larger Imperial warships seem to have been pulled back into the shipyards themselves, which is the probable location of the SSD Imperator, flagship of the Imperial fleet in this sector. Once again, X-W Rogue will fly cover, supported by X-W Gold. B-W Red and Y-W Blue will attack the Golan platforms along with several of our capital ships. You can rearm at the Liberty or the Defiance.

When this final outpost is destroyed, the rest of the Fleet will hyper in and begin assembling for our attack on the shipyards.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 8,928 50 Loss Medium December 8, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: My quest for a medium victory is unsuccessful. This was my best run on medium where I actually survived the mission, but a cruiser did not. Tough mission!
2. MGN Kimiao Quinal 6,763 40 Loss Easy November 27, 2011 Official Tour Score
3. LCL Jay Forerunner 6,573 43 Victory Easy November 24, 2011 Official Tour Score
4. LCM InterlinkKnight 5,753 45 Victory Easy November 2, 2011 Official Tour Score
5. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 4,448 8 Victory Easy December 10, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Found my original comments with Dagger on this one: "I hate this mission."
6. MGN Adam Mieter 2,827 20 Loss Easy November 20, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Switching to Easy helped a lot.
7. COL Brig Dolaree 2,744 17 Loss Easy November 25, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: NIce hard mission. It was a loss for me at about 15 minutes in when one of my cruisers went down. I decided to fight it out to see how many kills I could get and was able to finally finish off the last impi at about 47:49 into the mission. May try again to get a better score and some more kills.

On a personal note, I had to go out to the store today on black friday to buy a new game controller after my old one died on me last night. I never go shopping on black friday! All so I could get three last mission reports in before the end of the month(along with XvT and XW)
8. CMDR Mia StormChaser 1,586 11 Loss Easy November 22, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Lost my capital ships in this first attempt...
9. BGN Ray Djo 554 18 Loss Medium November 18, 2011 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: I went to jump for hyperspace to go to the second outpost and it told me that my cruisers were destroyed. they died in hyperspace? i dont really know what happened. They didnt even all hyper out.... Also, I only died because i shot a missile at someone and they were way too close to me and I exploded along with them. WHOOPS!!!!
10. LCL jelf boom 299 10 Loss Easy November 5, 2011 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 5.8

1 by FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran on December 10, 2011
No mission should start by giving you a negative score no matter what strategy you use. These comments were shared in 2002 as well. :P
8 by BGN Hermus Dogan on December 8, 2011
Definitely a challenging mission. Took me a lot of attempts to finally finish the fight on medium, victory or not. Quite the workout for your survival skills!

The downside is that the initial platform always has 4 or more fighters slamming into it as they emerge from hyperspace, be they X- or B-Wings. Then, once the first area is nearing completion, the X-Wings abruptly break off and cruise towards the jump buoy, providing incredibly easy pickings for the TIEs chasing them.
8 by MGN Kimiao Quinal on November 27, 2011
Tough mission. Tried it again. Can't stop my cruiser from getting raped by the golan III
6 by BGN Ray Djo on November 18, 2011

Im getting better at these... but im not there yet. Also, I dont know how my cruisers died in lightspeed.... weird....
6 by LCM InterlinkKnight on November 2, 2011
Kind of strange mission, if you want to win. First you need to destroy fighters, so is not a big deal, but in the second area you need to destroy the little station on the right so they don’t destroy our ship that is passing by. To destroy that station you need to fire the pointing thing on the bottom, so defenses don’t hit you. A very boring part, but is needed because if you try engaging bombers our ship on the right will get destroy anyway by the station (a secondary target).

The third area was the best because no needing to destroy any station quick to avoid ships to get destroy. You just need to kill bombers and fighters, which is really the job of an X-Wing with missiles. After that you need to destroy the station by doing the same thing by firing lasers in the pointing thing. Is that or the station will not get destroy by our useless bombers that don’t engage the station at all with rockets or anything. Actually I see the Y-Wings just flying going home, when there is an objective (the station) they should destroy. Only X-Wing help a little with lasers, but they don’t last long against the station defenses so is basically useless too. At least they (X-Wings) try, not like the Y-Wings going home.

Well, at least was different and the idea of the mission is very good.