Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
XvT 319: Inspection Run (RgF 207)

By COM Wes Belden

Player Craft: Assault Gunboat

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▼ Briefing

From the flight data you supplied on the INT's exit vector in your last mission we have come up with a set of coordinates where we believe the INT was headed. We need desperately to find out what comprises the rest of this fleet, so will be sending a lone pilot on a daring mission. You will be piloting a captured GUN, flying escort for a freighter carrying supplies. Intelligence reports the idents are all good. The Imperials will be wary of an unscheduled supply freighter, but you should have enough time to inspect all the craft present and get out of there before anything untoward happens.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 16,560 9 Victory Medium October 27, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Basic run.
2. LCL jelf boom 3,020 8 Loss Medium October 27, 2013 Official Tour Score
3. BGN Naesa Draw 760 3 Loss Medium October 13, 2013 Official Tour Score

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Average rating: 6

6 by BGN Naesa Draw on October 13, 2013
I would like to log a confusion for this mission. We are never actually told we were found out, which is a bit disorienting, going from quietly scanning, to the Eagle making a ramming run to buy you time and TIEs launching. At least, I assume we were found out. Just a note.