Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)
XvT 320: Shuttle Rescue (RgF 208)

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn

Player Craft: X-wing

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CRS Pegasus has stopped at a Civilian checkpoint to pick-up fuel rods. During the loading of these rods Imperials arrived in the system. Take out the Imperials, protect our shuttles carrying the fuel rods, and try to save the platforms. If we fail, the Empire will have free reign over the system, and many innocent people will lose their lives.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 29,620 20 Victory Medium December 1, 2013 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Quick run, but managed a victory without failing any secondary objectives.
2. LCL jelf boom 11,030 12 Loss Medium November 30, 2013 Official Tour Score

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