Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

RS Tour 4 (BoP): Return to Subterrel
XvT 405: Salvage Run

By BGN Hermus Dogan

Player Craft: Various

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As it turns out, the unknown group we encountered in the last mission is part of a nomadic convoy operating within the Subterrel Sector. This is likely the convoy mentioned in some of the Imperial recon reports we collected from the first outpost.

Captain Palaeologus of the End of Days has made formal contact with the group (hereafter referred to as Nomads for the sake of simplicity) on behalf of the RS. For the time being we will not reveal the existence of the Squall and especially not the Assessor in this sector; we don't yet know enough of the Nomads to trust them with such information. That being said, improving relations with them is an opportunity we should take advantage of. Should the Imperials return to Subterrel, local allies would prove useful in helping to contain the threat.

To start forming ties with these people we must explore joint operations, which the Nomads have agreed to. They've actually volunteered the first mission for us to consider - the salvage of a derelict Imperial Nebulon-B Frigate within an asteroid field. While they wanted a quick run through the ship to gather anything worthwhile before blowing it up, Captain Palaeologus managed to convince them to allow us to acquire any data the ship might still contain. Their reluctance is puzzling, but they may simply be cautious.


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Rank Member Score Kills Outcome Difficulty Reported Comments
1. BGN Hermus Dogan 52,460 15 Victory Hard December 16, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Ugly. Lost my allies in the first minute of the battle. Seriously rough trying to lure everything away from the transports while not getting yourself killed.
2. FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran 30,550 3 Loss Hard December 16, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: 1st run
3. CMDR Mia StormChaser 29,824 2 Victory Medium December 16, 2012 Official Tour Score
4. BGN Naesa Draw 17,814 2 Victory Medium December 15, 2012 Official Tour Score...Official Tour Score: Managed to get some reading done in the start of this one. Not too bad a mission though.

Completed in 14:25
Kills: 2(1)
Assists: 4
5. LCL jelf boom 0 5 Loss Medium December 10, 2012 Official Tour Score

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