Rebel Squadrons

Mission Database

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

CMDR Guybrush Threepwood

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter (BoP)

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 107b: Attack at Resilia 0 23 October 28, 2007
VSG 104b: Supplies Convoy 0 27 May 20, 2007
VSG 103b: Planetary Defence 28,971 14 March 28, 2007
VSG 101b: Battle of Blerthmore 13,730 20 November 30, 2006
RgF 412: Finding the Enemy 17,528 11 November 3, 2006
RgF 411: Base Destruction 16,194 18 September 5, 2006
RgF 410: Even The Odds 12,579 34 August 10, 2006
RgF 409: Assist the Convoy 11,560 33 June 16, 2006
RgF 408: Lure Them In 13,330 13 May 21, 2006
RgF 407: Spring the Trap 11,522 19 April 7, 2006
RgF 4B1: Bonus Mission 17,500 20 February 28, 2006
RgF 403: Making a Stronghold 12,408 23 May 20, 2005
Total Score 155,322 12 Reports

X-Wing Alliance

Mission Score Rank Reported
VSG 106a: Infiltrating the Enemy 0 23 September 1, 2007
VSG 104a: Distraction 0 26 May 20, 2007
VSG 102a: Reconnaissance 2,525 22 February 1, 2007
VSG 101a: Battle of Blerthmore 4,130 21 December 20, 2006
Total Score 6,655 4 Reports