Rebel Squadrons
Other Match Statistics

RS Multiplayer Hub > Non-competitive (Casual) Multiplayer Gaming > Other Match Listings

Non-Competitive other Match reported on 2016-12-31 11:13:22


Player Score Kills Deaths
FA Michael Raven (Raven) 2147483647 127 (0) 0
GEN Koah (Koah) 2147483647 69 (0) 0
LCM Domeno (Fegriss) 2147483647 127 (0) 0
LGN Eric Skrevski (Eric) 2147483647 127 (0) 0

Extra Match Details: Being Awesome

Approximate Match Duration: 6 hour(s) 0 minutes


Played the RS's first 'Battle Pinball' Tournament (Bracket style, championship Raven v Koah, with Raven coming out on top. Subsequently saw Rogue One, then fired lasers at each other. Ended the evening with wings, and drinks.

Everyone was a winner.

Actual time was like... 10 hours, but we 'gamed' for probably six between the museum of play and Laserton in Rochester, as well as ACTUALLY discussing ABG stuff.
