Rebel Squadrons
Battlefront II (2017) Match Statistics

RS Multiplayer Hub > Non-competitive (Casual) Multiplayer Gaming > BFII Match Listings

Non-Competitive BFII Match reported on 2018-03-21 18:56:57


Player Score Kills Deaths
FA Cyrel Vandroth (RS_Vandroth) 0 0 (0) 0
LCM Gavin Devearoux (RS_Skyhammer) 0 0 (0) 0

Approximate Match Duration: 30 minutes


Second set of matches with Cyrel and Skyhammer. Fourth was Starfighterz, and fifth was Galactic Assault where we successfully defended Hoth from the Empire (even with Nerfed Explosive Sentry!). Take that, AT-ATs.
