Rebel Squadrons


By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
RSNL Article, Nov 30, 2000
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Greetings fellow Members of the Rebel Squadrons. ":)

Welcome to the HC NewsFlash for this holiday week in November. I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving, and if you didn't have a holiday to celebrate this week, I hope you had a pleasant week anyway. All things considered, it was a very productive week for RS High Command, so make sure you pay attention.

Getting down to business, continuation on the discussions regarding the interpretations of the Fleet Structure bylaw that has to do with the right of a Fleet CO to wave the limitations imposed on members to only hold one CO position at a time came to an end. A final decision was reached that both Fleet COs must agree to the waiving of the limitation inorder to exceed it and voted on into the RS Bylaws. The exact changes are as follows:

' Section 3.2.1 "All officers of the RS are limited to one command position (CO of any unit), one support position (XO or any position of responsibility of any unit), and unlimited general membership positions. This limit may be waived if all Fleet CO's involved agree to an individual exceeding the limitation."
(This replaces the old section 3.2.1) '

The other issue HC has brought closure to this week is the matter of whether XO's should have the ability to promote. Again, your Fleet COs voted on the issue and voted in favor of giving XO's the right to promote, only so long as their CO approves the promotion beforehand. The following changes were added into the RS Bylaws:

' Section 3.4.2. "The Fleet XO is expected to assist the Fleet CO in the
execution of his or her duties. The Fleet XO has the authority to promote any member of the Fleet up to and including Level 3 ranks, but the Fleet CO must give explicit approval for each promotion beforehand."
Section 3.6.2 "The Wing XO is expected to assist the Wing CO in the
execution of the his or her duties. The Wing XO has the authority to
promote any member of the Wing up to and including Level 2 ranks, but the Wing CO must give explicit approval for each promotion beforehand."
Section 3.8.2 "The Squadron XO is expected to assist the Squadron CO in the execution of the his or her duties. The Squadron XO has the authority to promote any member of the Squadron in the Level 1 ranks, but the Squadron CO must give explicit approval for each promotion beforehand."
(These new sections entirely replace the sections that were in place
earlier) '

These votes ended weeks of discussions on the two topics, so please make sure you understand the new changes. Currently, High Command has engaged itself in a discussion over non person characters (NPCs) and whether or not they should be allowed in the RS. As more decisions are made, I'll be sure to keep you posted.

That's all for this week, stay tuned for next week's HC NewsFlash.

Lieutenant General Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer


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