Rebel Squadrons

ORW Results NL: Week 13

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jan 28, 2001
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Greetings fellow members of the RS. ":)

Welcome to the ORW Results NewsLetter for Week 13 and the Second Battle of the Elornia System.  With 166 total matches played, the valiant forces of the Rebel Squadrons were able to defeat the strong Imperial factions for the first time in weeks. For most of the night we trailed the EH, but by the end we were able to take the lead and then build upon it. A lot of key factors contributed to this victory, so it was certainly a team effort. Congratulations to all those that participated on a job well done!

With this victory, we were also able to move up into first place for the Elornia System standings. We are currently neck to neck with the Emperor's Hammer, so next week's Final Battle of the Elornia System will be extremely important to determine which club will rule the planets, territories, resources, and peoples of the Elornia System.

Results for Week 13:

Rebel Squadrons Victory!

RS Wins OR! ~ Scores: [RS: 71 ,SV: 18 ,EH: 62 ,VE: 11 ,NR: 0 ] Matches: [RS:
112 ,SV: 38 ,EH: 126 ,VE: 57 ,NR: 9 ,Total: 166 ]

Full Results List:

XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(18pts) vs RS_Gagra(#498)-(13pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Verr(#579)-(27pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Rahj(#133)-(8pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(4pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Verr(#579)-(23pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(8pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Death(#500)-(7pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(5pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(7pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(4pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Verr(#579)-(30pts) vs RS_RyanD(#156)-(21pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Bean(#457)-(6pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XVT: SV_Fox(#468)-(10pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(19pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(12pts) vs RS_Gagra(#498)-(10pts), VE Wins!
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(10pts) vs RS_EvilDash(#381)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(19pts) vs RS_Jon(#393)-(11pts), VE Wins!
XVT: EH_Calvin(#505)-(14pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(24pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(15pts) vs EH_Prophet(#591)-(9pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(8pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Kaz(#134)-(8pts) vs EH_Rahj(#581)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(15pts) vs EH_Prophet(#591)-(16pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Ryan(#156)-(19pts) vs EH_Calvin(#505)-(21pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Death(#500)-(33pts) vs SV_Fox(#468)-(8pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Kaz(#134)-(6pts) vs EH_Rahj(#581)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Jon(#393)-(1pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(1pts), Tie!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(11pts) vs RS_Hotshot(#78)-(5pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Sair(#404)-(17pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(19pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(18pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(15pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Zsinj(#482)-(8pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Mareek(#486)-(31pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(6pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Mo(#18)-(2pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(17pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(37pts), VE Wins!
XWA: RS_Sair(#404)-(8pts) vs EH_KDOG(#501)-(12pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(-1pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Ian(#496)-(23pts) vs VE_ZSinj(#398)-(20pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(2pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(3pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(13pts) vs EH_Mareek(#486)-(17pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Blade(#592)-(1pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(4pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_CG(#544)-(9pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_CoolGuy(#544)-(10pts) vs RS_Kyle(#475)-(0pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Coopra(#583)-(9pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_MoKongo(#18)-(5pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(11pts), SV Wins!
XVT: EH_Ian(#496)-(27pts) vs RS_BJ(#220)-(19pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(3pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Verr(#579)-(15pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(16pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(8pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(17pts) vs EH_Rahj(#581)-(12pts), VE Wins!
XWA: RS_MoKongo(#18)-(4pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(1pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(2pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(9pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(8pts) vs SV_Aval(#534)-(13pts), SV Wins!
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(4pts) vs EH_Ninja(#594)-(10pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Spokes(#589)-(10pts) vs EH_Dae(#540)-(19pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Verr(#579)-(29pts) vs RS_Coop(#583)-(8pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(14pts) vs SV_Aval(#534)-(13pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Mobiles(#522)-(8pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(11pts), SV Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(17pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Aval(#534)-(8pts) vs EH_Mobiles(#522)-(4pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(1pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Gizmo(#31)-(24pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(20pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Jon(#543)-(18pts) vs RS_Coop(#583)-(15pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Verr(#579)-(32pts) vs RS_Bean(#457)-(10pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(41pts) vs RS_Slate(#283)-(5pts), SV Wins!
XWA: SV_Aval(#534)-(11pts) vs VE_Japer(#456)-(5pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(-2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(11pts) vs EH_Kadath(#595)-(13pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(12pts) vs EH_Mareek(#486)-(27pts), EH Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(24pts) vs EH_Mobiles(#522)-(8pts), VE Wins!
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(5pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: SV_Aval(#534)-(8pts) vs EH_Kadath(#595)-(10pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Ramos(#285)-(8pts) vs EH_Jonathan(#543)-(15pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(9pts) vs NR_Splice(#479)-(-1pts), RS Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(11pts) vs EH_Verr(#579)-(8pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Beany(#457)-(8pts) vs EH_Mobiles(#522)-(2pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Slate(#283)-(5pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XVT: VE_ZSinj(#398)-(15pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(26pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(32pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(26pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(7pts) vs SV_Cruiser(#497)-(4pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(25pts) vs EH_Jonathan(#543)-(22pts), VE Wins!
XWA: EH_Kadath(#595)-(9pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(5pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(16pts) vs RS_Slate(#283)-(11pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Kaz(#134)-(7pts) vs EH_Rahj(#581)-(6pts), RS Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(14pts) vs RS_Gizmo(#31)-(17pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(4pts) vs EH_Scoser(#530)-(7pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs SV_Ramos(#285)-(-1pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(14pts) vs RS_Jerron(#458)-(10pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(6pts) vs EH_Tally(#598)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(18pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(19pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(10pts) vs EH_Jonathan(#543)-(12pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_HotShot(#78)-(26pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(24pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(16pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(12pts), VE Wins!
XVT: RS_Blaster(#158)-(6pts) vs EH_Tarkin(#531)-(11pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(41pts) vs EH_Kyle(#597)-(14pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs EH_M(#599)-(-1pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Slate(#283)-(10pts) vs EH_Blade(#593)-(5pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Jerron(#458)-(8pts) vs EH_Kadath(#595)-(4pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(22pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(9pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(5pts) vs EH_Tally(#598)-(-2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: SV_Ramos(#285)-(2pts) vs EH_Jonathan(#543)-(1pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs EH_Coolguy(#544)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(17pts) vs RS_Xortius(#481)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Tarkin(#531)-(22pts) vs RS_Dave(#478)-(19pts), EH Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(33pts) vs EH_Kyle(#597)-(17pts), VE Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(9pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(6pts), RS Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(-7pts) vs RS_Blade(#592)-(4pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(11pts) vs SV_Phoenix(#13)-(6pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(10pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(15pts), EH Wins!
XWA: EH_Scoser(#530)-(14pts) vs RS_Jerron(#458)-(5pts), EH Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(15pts) vs RS_Coop(#583)-(12pts), SV Wins!
XWA: SV_Ramos(#285)-(2pts) vs RS_SSD(#600)-(1pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(6pts) vs EH_Blade(#593)-(1pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(7pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(7pts), Tie!
XVT: EH_tarkin(#531)-(13pts) vs RS_executor(#480)-(10pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(10pts) vs EH_Mell(#599)-(3pts), RS Wins!
XWA: RS_SSD(#600)-(0pts) vs EH_Kadath(#595)-(3pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Ted(#602)-(8pts) vs SV_Phoenix(#13)-(7pts), EH Wins!
XWA: RS_Slate(#283)-(1pts) vs EH_Kyle(#597)-(3pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Dave(#478)-(15pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(12pts), RS Wins!
XVT: RS_Executer(#480)-(10pts) vs EH_Tarkin(#531)-(9pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Scoser(#530)-(19pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(16pts), EH Wins!
XVT: EH_Ian(#496)-(19pts) vs SV_Phoenix(#13)-(14pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(12pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Scoser(#530)-(29pts) vs RS_SSD(#600)-(8pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Kelric(#562)-(5pts) vs RS_Dev(#29)-(2pts), EH Wins!
JK: SV_Daed(#569)-(0pts) vs RS_Blade(#592)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Jonathan(#543)-(16pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(6pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Ian(#496)-(23pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(18pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Exec(#480)-(11pts) vs EH_Ted(#602)-(1pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(22pts) vs EH_Kyle(#597)-(10pts), VE Wins!
XWA: RS_Xortius(#481)-(12pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(9pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(5pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(2pts), RS Wins!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(17pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(14pts), VE Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoenix(#13)-(12pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(16pts), EH Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoca(#489)-(8pts) vs RS_Executer(#480)-(5pts), SV Wins!
XWA: EH_Jonathon(#543)-(4pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(13pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_DJKDev(#605)-(4pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(8pts), RS Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(8pts) vs RS_MoKongo(#18)-(5pts), SV Wins!
XWA: RS_Zekk(#372)-(0pts) vs EH_Scoser(#530)-(1pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(0pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(0pts), Tie!
XWA: EH_DJKDev(#605)-(3pts) vs RS_Rahj(#133)-(9pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Kadath(#595)-(4pts) vs RS_Sair(#404)-(15pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(20pts) vs SV_Phoca(#489)-(12pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Dave(#478)-(8pts) vs SV_Phoen|x(#13)-(7pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Falcon(#606)-(10pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(8pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts) vs EH_Derek(#585)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Scoser(#530)-(5pts) vs VE_Tylen(#15)-(3pts), EH Wins!
XWA: SV_Diablo(#378)-(9pts) vs RS_MoKongo(#18)-(4pts), SV Wins!
XWA: EH_Boliv(#521)-(5pts) vs SV_Diablo(#378)-(13pts), SV Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs EH_007(#604)-(0pts), RS Wins!
XVT: EH_Ian(#496)-(16pts) vs RS_Vender(#533)-(14pts), EH Wins!
JK: RS_Rahj(#133)-(10pts) vs NR_Splice(#479)-(-1pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Wedge(#166)-(7pts) vs EH_Kelric(#562)-(3pts), RS Wins!
XVT: SV_Phoenix(#13)-(23pts) vs RS_Dave(#478)-(15pts), SV Wins!
XWA: SV_Ramos(#285)-(2pts) vs EH_Boliv(#521)-(0pts), SV Wins!
XVT: EH_Falcon(#606)-(15pts) vs RS_Anthon(#603)-(4pts), EH Wins!
XVT: RS_Vender(#533)-(12pts) vs EH_Ian(#496)-(13pts), EH Wins!
JK: EH_Zsinj(#482)-(-3pts) vs RS_Kaz(#134)-(10pts), RS Wins!
XWA: EH_Scoser(#530)-(4pts) vs RS_Hawkeye(#383)-(4pts), Tie!
XWA: VE_Tylen(#15)-(35pts) vs RS_Slate(#283)-(14pts), VE Wins!
JK: RS_Tally(#491)-(10pts) vs NR_Splice(#479)-(2pts), RS Wins!
JK: RS_Blade(#592)-(10pts) vs EH_007(#604)-(0pts), RS Wins!

== End of List ==

The Battle for the Elornia System Standings

(After 2 of 3 battles)

(337 total matches)

RS: 148 points
EH: 140 points
Coalition: 52 points

(SV: 30 points
VE: 18 points
NR: 4 points)

For more information on how the standings work, please visit .

Next Battle:

All members of the RS's Renegade Fleet, Intrepid Battle Group, and RS
Commando Division (or anyone in the RS that has XvT, XWA, or JK) are needed
to battle the Empire every Saturday in channel #OuterRim on the InnerNET from
2 PM EST to 11 PM EST. You don't have to be there all nine hours (but Trace
does :P), just show up, play a few matches, and have fun!


For the latest rules, club point standings, storylines, maps, ladder
standings, latest results, information, and happenings in the ORW, checkout
these websites...

The Outer Rim War Headquarters

Outer Rim War Signup and Login

Outer Rim Ladder

RS Ladder:

The new ladder at has been
completed and now gives an accurate picture of the combatants. After 13 weeks
of play, the top 5 RS standings are:

1) Boid "Gambit" Reaves (82-3-3, 1164 points, 88 games played)
2) Rahj Tharen (65-3-0, 1127 points, 68 games played)
3) Kaz Falcion (58-0-2, 1118 points, 60 games played)
4) Talon "Tally" Drear (15-1-0, 1029 points, 16 games played)
5) Sair (22-16-0, 1028 points, 38 games played)


Now, the part you've all been waiting for. It's my honor to award the
following pilots and commandos for being outstanding participants in the
Outer Rim War with the following decorations:

For fighting at least 4 matches at the ORW this week, the following pilots
and commandos are hereby awarded the Valiance Combat Citation ^|VCC|^ for
their excellent participation:

1LT Tobain "Beany" Kentaas (9 matches)
1LT Blade (7 matches)
MAJ Mo Kongo (5 matches)
MAJ Xortius Narfasu (7 matches)
MAJ Talon "Tally" Drear (9 matches)
LCM Gavin "Executor" Kravis (6 matches)
LCM Adam "Vender" Fene (8 matches)
LCM Sair (8 matches)
LCL Amplan "Coop" Dayne (4 matches)
LCL Kyle Tobarn (6 matches)
COL Boid "Gambit" Reaves (11 matches)
MGN Slate Mallar (6 matches)
GEN Rahj Tharen (12 matches)
RA Kaz Falcion (7 matches)
FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris (4 matches)

For acquiring at least 3 wins at the ORW, the following pilots and commandos
are hereby awarded the Combat Medal |*|:

1LT Tobain "Beany" Kentaas (3 wins)
LCM Wes "Gizmo" Belden (3 wins)
LCM Gavin "Executor" Kravis (3 wins)

For acquiring more than 6 wins in this week's ORW, the following pilots and
commandos are hereby awarded the Alliance Dagger *?* :

1LT Blade (6 wins)
MAJ Talon Drear (9 wins)
LCM Sair (6 wins)
COL Boid "Gambit" Reaves (11 wins)
GEN Rahj Tharen (11 wins)
RA Kaz Falcion (7 wins)

Congratulations to all of you! Wear your accomplishments with pride!

ORW RSer of the Week:

Yet again, another commando of the RSCD will take this honor. Yet again, another Gryphon Commando will take this honor. :) For going an impressive 9-0, which propelled him into 4th place on the RS ladder from nowhere, this week's RSer of the Week is Major Talon "Tally" Drear for all his victories at this week's ORW battle. Congrats, Tally!


The Outer Rim War will only be as good as we make it, so show up and have
some fun! Come next week, because there will always be plenty of Imperials to
fight against! Also, please be civil and respectful, no matter what the
circumstances. This club has principles, and we need to be an example to all
the other clubs in the competition. Remember, HIER: Honor, Integrity,
Equanimity, Respect!

May the Force be with you and may the pride and honor of the Rebel Squadrons
carry on in all of you!

General Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer


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