Rebel Squadrons

HC Weekly NewsFlash 2-1-01

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
RSNL Article, Feb 01, 2001
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Greetings fellow members of the Rebel Squadrons. ":)

Welcome to the first addition of the High Command Weekly NewsFlash in the month of February. Getting right down to business, there have been some very important events that have happened recently that affect every member in this club. Here's a brief summary.

As previously announced by the Fleet Commander in the SotRS Address, High Command has voted to move the RS IRC presence away from the Undernet and onto the InnerNET. High Command has also voted to keep relations with the Emperor's Hammer the way they are, and not attempt to expand into a Formal Alliance. These means we'll continue to pursue our friendly relations with the EH like we have in the past. Please check the recent SotRS Address for more detailed information on these two important topics.

In HC news, MGN Myst has resigned his post as Renegade Fleet Commanding Officer. We'd like to thank him for his service. His former XO, MGN Shikkie Kaaran has been appointed as the new RgF CO. MGN Kaaran has appointed BGN Rikel Krystus Raandu as the new RgF XO. We wish both Shik and Raandu the best of luck in their new endeavors.

Lastly, High Command is now engaging itself with a discussion over possible changes in current B&G policy. A vote should be called soon to bring closure to the matter. As things develop, be sure to check here for the latest information.

That's all for this week. Stay tuned for next week's HC NF, same HC time, same HC place.      
General Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer


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