Rebel Squadrons

HC Weekly NewsFlash 4-23-01

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
RSNL Article, Apr 23, 2001
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Greetings fellow members of the RS. ":)

Welcome to yet another informative High Command Weekly NewsFlash for the end of this third week of April.  This week the members of High Command deliberated on the subject of cheating in the Rebel Squadrons.  The result was an addendum to the cheating clause in the Judiciary section of the RS Bylaws.  By a majority vote, the follow was passed:

"5.2.4(a) Because many of the activities the RS engages in requires members to play missions or matches and report scores, any CO may require a pilot file or the equivalent to prove the members score or statistics. Administrators of online competitions or gaming matches may require score verification, or logs, or a replay to prove the result.  If sufficient evidence is gathered that points to a member cheating in any form, disciplinary action may be taken."

The cheating clause was updated to include the aspects of online gaming and to be general enough to cover cheating for all instances within the club.  The RS gives quarter for many offenses, but cheating, nonfictional war, and nonfictional espionage are not among them.

In other news, with the recent accession of CMDR Slyder McGrath to PBF CO, CMDR McGrath has appointed General Petr Tagge Margul to the position of PBF Executive Officer. Congrats, GEN Margul!

That's all for this week. Stay tuned for next week's HC NF, same HC time, same HC place.  May the pride and honor of the Rebel Squadrons carry on in all of you!
Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer


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