Rebel Squadrons

HC Weekly NewsFlash 5-7-01

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
RSNL Article, May 07, 2001
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Greetings fellow members of the RS. ":)

Welcome to yet another informative High Command Weekly NewsFlash for the first week in May.  This week the members of High Command deliberated on the subject of restricting new cadets from using certain name useages. This could include any or popular Star Wars names, and names currently used by RS members. As of yet, nothing has been decided and a vote as not been called. But as the discussion winds down to an end, we'll be sure to keep you informed of any new policy changes.

In other HC news, the Fleet Commander has posted an announcement on the RS Message Board concerning the RS website situation. All members are encouraged to go there and take part in the poll to decide which website color scheme will be used.

That's all for this week. Stay tuned for next week's HC NF, same HC time, same HC place.  May the pride and honor of the Rebel Squadrons carry on in all of you!
Rear Admiral Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer


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