Rebel Squadrons

Jedi Squadron NL #1 27th May

By COM Wes Belden
Unit: Renegade Fleet
Squadron NL, May 27, 2001
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Alright, first up, I've got a few annoucements to make.
The following: John Ricco aka "Wizard", Luke Starr, and Blair Burner have all been promoted to the rank of Captain for their continued service to Jedi squadron and the RgF.

Javin Keyle aka "Entropy" has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander for his services to the DOW and RgF.

It took me some time to decide on who Jedi's XO should be. In the end I came to a decision. Lieutenant Commander Raven Arestar is now Jedi squadron's XO. Thank you to the others of you who applied.

On a smaller note, I some how got a promo to Colonel ;)


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