Rebel Squadrons

Scorpion Wing NL

By GEN Bluejay Farscape
Unit: Renegade Fleet
Wing NL, Jul 11, 2001
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Hiya pilots,

Its another Installment of the Scorpion Wing News Letter for the glorious month of July 2001... :P

Squad reports,
Squad CO's & XO's. Don't forget to send me that monthly(i think that was agreed on earlier)squad reports, they are due by the 15th. I want on the report the Roster status,squad happenings, promo's, awards,etc... .

The new RgF Fleet ITOD hasn't been released yet. As soon as it is I'll email it out to you all.

Scorpion Wing ITOD
The New Scorpion ITOD is out and available. Its due on the 31st of July. It can be downloaded from the Scorpion page.
Lets get those reports in... especially from Rza. had a very bad turnout from Rza on the last ITOD.

Scorpion Web Site check it out.

RgF Training Nights
RgF Training nights are underway, every Friday night in #RgF on the undernet from 7pm EST to 11pm EST there will be matches flown for the purpose of increasing the overall average skill level of the RgF. More info can be found at:
Please show and support the wing. The more pilots that show the merrier and we can all use the practice. You also gain Fleet Merit points for showing and getting practice.

RgF Oplan
Wes Belden is running the volunteer weekly Oplan ITOD. To join up and/or to get more information on this mail him at or visit the RgF Oplan website at

RgF Campaign
The campaign is still going on, we are taking planets and trying to maneuver ourself into a good striking position. I'm waiting for the RgF NL for funds we have so far and for the map to be updated.

Commander Harley Quinn of Ragnorok Squadron has promoted 2nd Lt. Xtremegene to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.
Congratulations to you.

Awards/ Merits
none at this time

Thats all and good luck to you all,

BGN Bluejay Farscape


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