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Retribution Fleet NL (11/16/01)
R2F NL 11/16/01
I'd like to announce that I have officially chosen a new Executive and
Second Officer for the Retribution Fleet. Your new XO will be Corran
Horn Jr, and your new SO will be Bethan Leitbur.
Well folks, there's also some bad news.
Due to a recent upgrade to the RS's web domain, the database is acting
strangely. Therefore I am unable to update the killboard or the merits
for a while. Don't let that bother you though, keep reporting! I'll have
statistics out later if it kills me.
Finally, make notice of Rule #3, I made a little amendment.
R2F 605
Due Date: November 31, 2001
Location: Attached
Reports and Pilot File to: r2freports@yahoo.com
Laser Cap: 250 hits
1. The mission can be flown as many time as you want and you may report
as many times as you want. Your highest
score will be counted towards the final standings.
2. You MUST fly the mission on MEDIUM.
3. Your pilot file MUST be attached to the e-mail when sending your
report. Be sure the pilot file contains the data
from your mission before sending it. Pilot containing no data will be
considered invalid and will be scored as a 0. Information that is also
corrupted will be thrown out. R2F is not responsible for gaming
4. You must use a "clean" pilot when you fly this mission. Any pilot
that is not "clean" will be considered invalid and a
0 will be scored. A "clean" pilot is one that has been used only to fly
the current mission.
5. Only reports sent to r2freports@yahoo.com will be considered valid.
If your report and pilot file is not sent there it
will not be counted. You may, however, share your report with others.
6. Overuse of lasers to blanket one's score will not be tolerated. If
you blanketing your score in suchways as firing on
invincible ships or using weakened lasers on purpose, or any other way,
your report will be null and void and your
score will not be counted. For this reason a laser cap will be active
for this mission. If your number of laser hits is a
large amount over the cap (like...400 being large), you are considered
to be blanketing your score and the report will
not be counted.
7. The mission must be flown as the first mission of the first battle in
TIE Fighter (b1m1fm.tie) unless there is good
reason to fly it as a different mission.
8. Due to past instances of TIE giving a pilot a weird score, everyone's
score will be recalculated using a score method
very similar to the normal one given by TIE Fighter. Your score may come
out a few thousand points lower due to
some percentages that TIE adds to score, but keep in mind it will be the
same reduction for everyone.
This mission is due no later than November 31st. Make sure you send your
pilot file to r2freports@yahoo.com for the
Results of 605 will be updated and posted for viewing at:
Incoming Pilots
Brigadier General Dew - Shadow Squadron
Outgoing Pilots
None at this time.
None at this time.
Elite Squadron
The Elite Squadron of the R2F has recently done battle with a squadron
from the Star Vipers. It was actually a fairly good fight, but we ended
up losing in the end. The scores were Elites: 518,434 / Celt: 546,772.
Good job to the people that flew, better luck next time.
A name still has not been chosen for the Elite Squadron, and is still
under discussion.
R2F Merit System
Merits have been updated for 605. View your current patch standing here:
The R2F Honorary Membership, Medal of Service, and Medal of Honor has
hearby been awarded to Fleet Admiral Dev, former Commanding Officer of
the Retribution Fleet.
I've given these awards to him for his long stay here in R2F. He's
probably done more than any one of you will know. He sat in the big
chair for a year and a half, one of the most long standing Fleet CO's
around, along with one of the extreme few people to ever become a Fleet
Admiral. He installed the merit system we use, the killboard we check,
and the medals we award.
So Congratulations to Dev.
1. All pilots are invited to sign onto IRC and join channel
#retribution_fleet on the Undernet network. You can join the
RS-wide channel as well, which is #rs_bar_and_grill. For PC users you
can pick up mIRC, which can be downloaded at
www.mirc.co.uk. Mac Users can use Ircle, which can be found at
2. Make sure you use the message board for general talk (including
Mission Reports, arguing, etc) instead of the R2F
eGroup. Using the R2F eGroup for this will make the command staff angry
from now on! ;)
3. The R2F site is also updated. Take a peek at:
Any questions, comments, or concerns, e-mail vilefene@yahoo.com (R2F CO).
-Brigadier General Adam "Vender" Fene
Retribution Fleet CO
I'd like to announce that I have officially chosen a new Executive and
Second Officer for the Retribution Fleet. Your new XO will be Corran
Horn Jr, and your new SO will be Bethan Leitbur.
Well folks, there's also some bad news.
Due to a recent upgrade to the RS's web domain, the database is acting
strangely. Therefore I am unable to update the killboard or the merits
for a while. Don't let that bother you though, keep reporting! I'll have
statistics out later if it kills me.
Finally, make notice of Rule #3, I made a little amendment.
R2F 605
Due Date: November 31, 2001
Location: Attached
Reports and Pilot File to: r2freports@yahoo.com
Laser Cap: 250 hits
1. The mission can be flown as many time as you want and you may report
as many times as you want. Your highest
score will be counted towards the final standings.
2. You MUST fly the mission on MEDIUM.
3. Your pilot file MUST be attached to the e-mail when sending your
report. Be sure the pilot file contains the data
from your mission before sending it. Pilot containing no data will be
considered invalid and will be scored as a 0. Information that is also
corrupted will be thrown out. R2F is not responsible for gaming
4. You must use a "clean" pilot when you fly this mission. Any pilot
that is not "clean" will be considered invalid and a
0 will be scored. A "clean" pilot is one that has been used only to fly
the current mission.
5. Only reports sent to r2freports@yahoo.com will be considered valid.
If your report and pilot file is not sent there it
will not be counted. You may, however, share your report with others.
6. Overuse of lasers to blanket one's score will not be tolerated. If
you blanketing your score in suchways as firing on
invincible ships or using weakened lasers on purpose, or any other way,
your report will be null and void and your
score will not be counted. For this reason a laser cap will be active
for this mission. If your number of laser hits is a
large amount over the cap (like...400 being large), you are considered
to be blanketing your score and the report will
not be counted.
7. The mission must be flown as the first mission of the first battle in
TIE Fighter (b1m1fm.tie) unless there is good
reason to fly it as a different mission.
8. Due to past instances of TIE giving a pilot a weird score, everyone's
score will be recalculated using a score method
very similar to the normal one given by TIE Fighter. Your score may come
out a few thousand points lower due to
some percentages that TIE adds to score, but keep in mind it will be the
same reduction for everyone.
This mission is due no later than November 31st. Make sure you send your
pilot file to r2freports@yahoo.com for the
Results of 605 will be updated and posted for viewing at:
Incoming Pilots
Brigadier General Dew - Shadow Squadron
Outgoing Pilots
None at this time.
None at this time.
Elite Squadron
The Elite Squadron of the R2F has recently done battle with a squadron
from the Star Vipers. It was actually a fairly good fight, but we ended
up losing in the end. The scores were Elites: 518,434 / Celt: 546,772.
Good job to the people that flew, better luck next time.
A name still has not been chosen for the Elite Squadron, and is still
under discussion.
R2F Merit System
Merits have been updated for 605. View your current patch standing here:
The R2F Honorary Membership, Medal of Service, and Medal of Honor has
hearby been awarded to Fleet Admiral Dev, former Commanding Officer of
the Retribution Fleet.
I've given these awards to him for his long stay here in R2F. He's
probably done more than any one of you will know. He sat in the big
chair for a year and a half, one of the most long standing Fleet CO's
around, along with one of the extreme few people to ever become a Fleet
Admiral. He installed the merit system we use, the killboard we check,
and the medals we award.
So Congratulations to Dev.
1. All pilots are invited to sign onto IRC and join channel
#retribution_fleet on the Undernet network. You can join the
RS-wide channel as well, which is #rs_bar_and_grill. For PC users you
can pick up mIRC, which can be downloaded at
www.mirc.co.uk. Mac Users can use Ircle, which can be found at
2. Make sure you use the message board for general talk (including
Mission Reports, arguing, etc) instead of the R2F
eGroup. Using the R2F eGroup for this will make the command staff angry
from now on! ;)
3. The R2F site is also updated. Take a peek at:
Any questions, comments, or concerns, e-mail vilefene@yahoo.com (R2F CO).
-Brigadier General Adam "Vender" Fene
Retribution Fleet CO