Rebel Squadrons

Renegade Fleet Newsletter 11-18-01

By VA Gavin Cantorph Kravis
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
Fleet NL, Nov 18, 2001
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Good Afternoon Pilots,
First off the DB is fixed and able to be used once again! That means I can finally hand out the medals for mission 1.08! Also the squad battles did take place on Friday. We had a grand total of 4 matches :P, however there was a decent turnout.
The next squad battle will take place by the 2nd of Dec. That's two weeks. I'd suggest that you have the battles on Friday the 30th of October if you want a large turnout. There won't be any top ace merits given for this week because of the low number of matches, however the merits for the winning squads and winning matches will count. Here's the lineup for the next two weeks:
RDS(1-0-0) vs Jedi (0-1-0) room #RgF1
Twi(1-0-0) vs RZA(0-0-1) room #RgF2
RNK(0-1-0) vs DRG(0-0-1) room #RgF3
Squad leaders get cracking on figuring out the dates for these battles. If no different date is decided by the 28th of October the battle will take place on Friday the 30th from 7-9 pm EST in those rooms. Updates will be placed in the main RgF room as well as the various battle rooms.
Medals for Mission 1.08 are as follows (if you have already recieved the medal please let me know, if not don't reply on it):
Top Ace: CMDR Brian Nethan
Top Squad: RNK
Members recieving the Top Squad Medal:
CMDR Brian Nethan
Col. Harley Quinn
Maj. Xtremegene
LCM Arill Wiltker
CMDR Jon Anchorage
Congratulations to our medal recipients!!
Promotions: None at this time. If you have anyone to nominate for a promotion please drop a message in my mail box.
ITOD: The 1.09 mission is out and is due by Friday the 30th of October. That means that right after the squad battle you can work together to achieve some nice scores before the mission is closed. Noone has reported on this mission yet that I am aware of and there are less than two weeks left. Let's get cracking.
We're going to institute a new system for the RgF NLs in the future. On the bi-weekly NL there is going to be a section that will highlight one squad in the Fleet. Since they won the latest mission RNK is the first to be highlighted. RNK CO I need a squad report on my desk no later than Friday the 30th of October.
That also goes for all my other Executive sections: Exterior Flight Officer, Mod. coordinator, Competition Coordinator, ITOD director, anyone else I missed. October 30th!
That's all that i have for now. Trate, Lamin if you two have anything to add please feel free. The address for the 1.09 mission is:
reports go to Trate.
That's all for now, get it on.

~Gavin C. Kravis


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