Rebel Squadrons

SotRS Address 5-8-02

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
SotRS, May 08, 2002
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Greetings Members of the Rebel Squadrons! “:)

Welcome to the latest addition of the State of the Rebel Squadrons Address. For most of us, the summer season is in sight. For the majority of members of this club, that means the school year is rapidly coming to an end or already has – making this one of the busiest times of the year with projects, exams, and finals wrapping up the school term. However, the Rebel Squadrons endures and much has been accomplished.

Since the last such address and over the course of the preceding month, final touches have been made on an abundance of projects that the club is already benefiting from and enjoying. On one side of the spectrum the Executive Staff is continually hard at work developing new undertakings ranging from club vs. club competitions to roster database enhancements. On the other, High Command is currently revising the written policies this club is founded upon.

To be more precise, the Executive Staff has completed a number of projects. Compliments of Vice Admiral Shikkie Kaaran, RSXO, the new Academy Database is online and functioning and is now at the disposal of cadets and officers of the Academy staff. Armed with an assortment of features, the RSA DB should enhance the jobs of Undergraduate/Graduate commanders and trainers to be much easier and in turn, much more efficient. Consequently, the benefits this new database will bring should go a long way in increasing the percentage of graduating cadets in every unit of the Academy. Also created by VA Kaaran is a new feature on the regular RS Roster Database that allows officers to assign tasks to the members under their command. By allowing commanders to give their subordinates work orders, this feature should also go a long way in keeping us on task and more efficient with our own work assignments and responsibilities.

From the Internet Office, every Executive Office website that needed a new webpage design has one completed. This includes new websites for the Department of Internal Affairs, Office of External Affairs, Office of Historical Records, Internet Office, and the Executive Officer. Currently, the Internet Office is engaged in working with each Fleet to complete all the Fleet template designs mentioned in previous announcements. Presently, the Retribution Fleet (which won a website award at, Aurora Force, and Rebel Squadrons Academy have completed websites, having switched over from their old site to the new Fleet template designs. Webpages for the PBF, RF, and RgF are currently being transformed by their own staff members.

Other big news from the Executive Staff comes from the Operations Office. Lt. Commander Isoldur “Dragon” Cauthon was appointed the Operations Officer with Brigadier General Sienn Sconn and Lieutenant General Boid “Gambit” Reaves serving as Assistant Operation Officers. More can be found in the detailed report provided below and from previous announcements, but over the past month, the Operations Office has accomplished much. The website, although still not complete, is about 90% done. There is a working events calendar with a listing of all known competitions within the Rebel Squadrons. For future purposes, please keep the Operations Office informed of such events so that they may be displayed on this calendar. Also created has been an RS Merit System for multiplayer matches. And most importantly, although ORW II discussion continues with many other SW clubs, the RS is currently engaged in an Inter-Club Melee against the Star Vipers ( and New Republic 5th Fleet (, which is coordinated through the Operations Office.

Lastly, the Medals Officer, Brigadier General Ben Jynzer is hard at work revising the Rebel Squadrons uniforms system with new designs and medal placements. Later, these new graphics will be coded into the RS Roster Database so that every member’s uniform will be automatically updated as their profile changes (rank advancement and medal gains).

In High Command news, the push by HC to overhaul and revise the Bylaws to turn the Bylaws into a document that is more forcibly the written will of High Command and to bring it back to its original intent of being a guideline for the entire club to follow and not the supreme law in this club continues. As mentioned in previous announcements, initial revisions are based on the recommendations of a small committee of HC members, and then presented to the main body of HC for approval or rejection. The small revision committee consists of veteran HC members Vice Admiral Kaz Falcion and General Indy Bridger, former Fleet Commanders Fleet Admiral Dave Trebonious-Astoris and Admiral Castor Efrata-Landis, and myself.

With all of these changes and improvements taking place or just being completed, the state of the Rebel Squadrons is very strong and only growing more rapidly each day. However, we can only keep this state of ascent by working together and by making the most out of our time here. With that said, everyone remember to have fun and to enjoy the Rebel Squadrons’ experience!

Like in all SotRS Addresses, you will find a report from every office in the Executive Branch. These reports should give every member a fairly good insight into the day-to-day operations and happenings of this club. The latest HC NF is posted at the end as well. Congratulations to those pilots and commandos that received medals!

Office of the Fleet Commander Report
Vice Admiral Rahj Tharen, Fleet Commander

FC Website -
FC E-Mail -

A summary of projects that are being worked on or have been recently completed within the Executive can already be found in the above introduction, but to simplify further, the following is a list of the current or finished projects in production:

1) Fleet Templates (R2F, AF, RSA finished – In Use. PBF, RF, RSCD, RgF – Designs finished – Transformation in production)
2) New XO, IO, MoJ, MoEA, and RSHO websites (Finished – In Use)
3) New Uniform designs and automation (In production)
4) Outer Rim War II (In production)
5) RS Inter-Club Melee (Every Saturday, 3-6 PM EST in #OuterRim)
6) RSA Database (Finished – In Use)
7) RS Merit System (Finished – In Use)
8) Operations Office Calendar (Finished – In Use)
9) OO website (In production)
10) RS Roster Database (Updates and New Features – Finished)

Note: Some of these ideas are in their conceptual stages, so if you would like to hear more on these projects (many of which are subject to approval by HC), please email

Executive Officer Report
Vice Admiral Shikkie Kaaran, Executive Officer

XO Website -
XO Email -

Summery of projects the RSXO is working on:

1) Assisting in all the above projects
2) Coding everything in sight
3) RSA Database – Please email all bugs to
4) Tasks feature – Please email all bugs to
5) Expect even more activity and ideas when summer vacation begins
6) The usual HC NFs and regular RSXO duties
7) Whatever else I missed

Internet Office Report
Fleet Admiral Dev, Internet Officer

IO Website -
IO E-Mail -

All of the new Executive Office sites have reached completion:

Current Fleet pages that have been completely converted over to the new Fleet template designs include:

The Internet Office is currently aiding in the transformation of the PBF, RF, RSCD, and RgF sites.

Operations Office Report
Lt. Commander Isoldur “Dragon” Cauthon, Operations Officer

OO Website -
OO E-Mail -

This is my first executive report to be included in the SotRS and I'd like to start off by thanking Rahj for giving me the opportunity to be Operations Officer. With that out of the way, here is a list of news items from the Operations Office.

1. BGN Sienn "Chimera" Sconn and LGN Boid "Gambit" Reaves have been hired as the Assistant Operations Officers.

2. The RS Merit System has been completed. See the BBS for details (

3. The RS/SV/NR5F Melee is held every Saturday, from 3-6 pm EST in channel #OuterRim on the Undernet. Jedi Outcast, X-Wing Alliance, and X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter will all be supported. Come next week to support the RS! Merit points will be awarded.

4. The OO Webpage ( is slowly taking form. Its a work in progress by Sconn, which will be completed in the upcoming weeks.

5. Negotiations are in the works for ORW II. Like last time, an OR Council made up of the leaders of each club has been created and discussion is taking place. Stay tuned for more details as they develop.

As you can see, things are busy as hell.

LCM Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon

Department of Internal Affairs Report
Admiral Rensal Darklighter, Minister of Justice

MoJ Website -
MoJ E-Mail -

No report.

Fleet Commander’s Note:

The reason for there being no new report is there are no new cases. :P

Medals Office Report
Brigadier General Ben Jyzner, Medals Officer

MO Website -
MO E-Mail -

Medals awarded from 3/24/02 to 5/4/02:

Excellency of Duty
Recipients: MGN Wes Belden, BGN Spokes, LCL Xtremegene, CMDR Josh Michaels, MAJ Raven Seven

Dagger of Courage
Recipients: BGN Lamin Zykara, BGN Garrik Loran, COL Kirvan Vax

The Tour Champion Award
Recipient: LCL Han Suul

The Dantooine Key
Recipients: LGN Adam Fene, MGN Harley Quinn, MGN Corran Horn Jr., BGN John GAdRS, COL Misko Markot, CMDR Muzor, Argon Viper, Zeth Raltier, Bethan Leitbur, Menshk Vrei'Sik, Sergio Mantis, LCLHan Suul, Cynna Jade Sunrider, CMDR Jeremiah Matthew

Dauntless Combat Citation
Recipients: Jeris Gand, Michael Donos, Marcos Black

The Distinguished Service Cross
Recipient: BGN Amplan “Coop” Dayne

Vetern Service Medal – 1 Year
Recipients: COL Baron Bon Fel, CMDR Wesley Rademaker, LCM Castin "Fox" Jaheran, MAJ Rakiki

Veteran Service Medal - 2 Years
Recipients: BGN Spokes, BGN Sienn Sconn, COL Lamin Zykara, CMDR Tobian "Beany" Kentaas, CMDR Jairo Pantoja

Veteran Service Medal - 3 Years
Recipients: GEN Indiana Bridger, BGN Bethan Leitbur, COL Slarty Bardfast, LCL Orian LaCarde, LCL Lightning

Veteran Service Medal - 4
Recipients: CMDR Stalker

Veteran Service Medal - 5 Year
Recipients: LGN Doth Raandu

Unit Commander's Commendation
Recipients: COL Javin "Entropy" Ke'ylle, BGN John GAdRS

Unit Commendation
Recipients: COL Misko Markot

Merit Commendation
Recipient: MGN Wes “Gizmo” Belden, MAJ Toran Celd

Office of External Affairs Report

OEA Website -
OEA E-Mail -

Alliances Pending: None.
Negotiations Pending: None.

# of Alliances: 5

Current Allies: The Star Vipers, The Imperial Dragoon Strike Force, Echo Raiders, Phantom Fleet, Imperial Naval Fleet.

Office of Historical Records Report
Fleet Admiral Dave Trebonious-Astoris, Historical Officer

OHR Website -
OHR E-Mail -

The Internet Officer recently made me a nice, new webpage design. I am currently involved in putting up all the content for it and it should all hopefully be available later this week.

HC NewsFlash 3/15/02
Rear Admiral Shikkie Kaaran, RS XO

Community Meeting ----------------

Community meetings are scheduled for the second Sunday of every month. The next meeting will be Sunday, May 12th, in channel #OuterRim at 4 PM EST. That is this upcoming Sunday!

Current Debates ----------------

Bylaw revisions taking place. Not in session until the revision committee presents alterations.

Member Suggestions --------------

None at this time.

Contacting High Command --------------

Feel free to direct suggestions or concerns to HC via any of the following options:

1) Use the "Email HC" feature of the Roster Database:
2) Email your Primary Fleet CO and ask them to forward your comments on.
3) Contact HC members on IRC or an Instant Messaging client like AOL or ICQ (both of which appear in roster profiles if supplied).
4) The new "Community Meetings" on IRC. They are currently being held on the
second Sunday of every month, from 4-5 PM EST (9 PM GMT) in #OuterRim.

Vice Admiral Shikkie Kaaran, RSXO


In closing, I want to stress the following points very much, and make it a standard to end with these thoughts. If I drill this into everyone, only positive things can come out of it, but I am afraid by repeating this over and over again it could lose its meaning to you all over time.

Nonetheless, if everyone could really consider these things and follow through with it in their actions, it will always improve the state of the Rebel Squadrons. I would like to remind everyone of the challenge before us. I challenge every member in this club – every Fleet CO, every Wing CO, every Squadron CO, etc - to start working on two things: unity and communication. It all starts with you guys, and everyone knows that. If we all strive for unity, and cultivate an atmosphere of respect, internal relations in this club will improve tenfold. Imagine what we can get accomplished then? Strive to follow HIER! As for communication, I dare every person in this club to take more initiative, keep your people up to date, write more emails, and reward those where credit is due. Keep communication strong! If I can try harder in these attributes, then so can you. And if that can happen, we can make this club what we want it to be – together.

May the Force be with you and may the pride and honor of the Rebel Squadrons carry on in all of you!

Respectfully submitted,

Vice Admiral Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Fleet Commander


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