Rebel Squadrons

ABG NL, 6/13/02

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
Fleet NL, Jun 13, 2002
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Okay, here goes. I started this at 6:00 PM my time, just after I ate 6:35, appx, I started with Poc, Mike, Davin and Entropy on editing all the stupid .htm's in the ABG Manual/Library. It's now 3:23 AM my time. I've accomplished the following in regards to the project started: I updated all the Manual Files. I finished section H-M of the library that Davin couldn't do. I also finished all the files in S from shiido.htm on to the end of the S's for Apoc. So, I apologize if this is non-sensical and goofy...I'm not running on all mental cylinders right now.

I: Announcements
II: News
III: Promotions/Awards
IV: Closing

I: Announcements:
Well, in case you're an idiot, don't read your e-mail, or are just plain hiding under a rock, the ABG has been recognized, ratifyed and approved as the ninth fleet of the RS. So, in case you've missed some of the other things, here's stuff you should do:
-If your primary fleet was the Redemption Fleet, you should go change your primary fleet to the ABG now. Otherwise, I can't promote you. If you want to be promoted based on your work here, you should probably change your fleet.
-I'm also going to be working on setting a definate timeline for certain ABG events.
-There are bound to be some screwy things right now as we're messing with some of the rules situations (I.E, the Jedi stuff). Please make my job easier and just deal with it for right now, while I set about to fixing things. I've been fixing stuff in this group for over 2 years now, and I'm on top of the current situation, with plans to make things work out.

II: News:
-The competition lists are done, I'll be talking to Bullseye of the SVSF and Gryffon of the EH's Fringe about a competition
-I've created and updated merit patches for the ABG. From now on, people will gain 1 point for participating in any sim (official or not) 2 for GMing a sim, and more points to be awarded as I see fit. The kicker is, if you want me to update the merit points, the GM needs to send me a log.
-Speaking of logs, I want to try something. From now on, if you have a particularily good/fun/interesting sim, post it on our new ABG message board on the BBS. Then everyone can see what happened. Also, Squad CO's, posting your most recent sim log there might be easier than filling in everyone on what happened last week. sim logs on the BBS.
-The ABG fleet template is slowly taking shape. I'd like to extend thanks to the team of crazy HTML-editing motherf*ckers who helped me, Dev and Shik out by going through the code:
Mike: Section A-G of the library .htm files. (144 total files).
Sconn: Section H-M of the library .htm files, all the manual files, and shiido.htm on in the S section of the library. (237 total files).
Apoc: Section N-shiido.htm in the library .htm files. (80 total files).
Entropy: Section T-Z of the library .htm files. (92 total files).

III: Promotions/Awards:
I'm not going to be promoting anyone just yet, at least in this NL, because it's more like a newsflash with a little more content.
-Anyone who was an ABG member when we hit fleet status has been awarded the Baphomet Service Star. You can read about it on your profile.
-I'll also be putting in the four people above for something, once I figure out how to reward being crazy to the point of being stupid.

IV: Closing
I don't really have one this month, other than I'd like to thank all of you for helping us get here. Fleet status is, literally, something that we couldn't have done without you. Thanks.

-BGN Sienn Sconn,


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